IDS_VISITMVERSIONCHECK "\n\nDo you want to visit the Mephisto web site?" IDS_MVERSIONCHECK "&Versioncheck (Mephisto)" IDS_NONEWMVERVERSION "No new eMule Mephisto version detected." IDS_NEWMVERSIONAVL "A new version of eMule Mephisto is available! Check the project-homepage for more information." IDS_NEWMVERSIONAVLPOPUP "A new version of eMule Mephisto is available. Click here to read about the new version!" IDS_DL_RATIO_FRIEND "Friendslots activated" // Multiple friendslots [ZZ] - Mephisto IDS_MEPHISTO "Mephisto" IDS_RATE_MEPH "Rate Mephisto" IDS_SCHEDTEXT_MEPH "Added by Mephisto AutoUpdate" // ==> Diabolic Easteregg [Stulle] - Mephisto IDS_EASTEREGG "Don't like the design? Click!" IDS_EASTEREGG_PROMPT "Are you sure you don't like the mods design?" IDS_EASTEREGG_INSTRUCTION "Please close the Preferences dialog now." // <== Diabolic Easteregg [Stulle] - Mephisto IDS_REMOVEALLFRIENDSLOT "Remove All Friend Slot" // Multiple friendslots [ZZ] - Mephisto // ==> Mephisto Upload - Mephisto IDS_NO_TRICKLE_TIMER "Sec. until new slot opened if no trickle (0=off)" IDS_MEPHISTO_WARNING_1 "WARNING! These options are sensetive!" IDS_MEPHISTO_WARNING_2 "Only change with great care, on your risk!" IDS_MEPHISTO_UPLOAD "Mephisto Upload Tweaks" IDS_MIN_SLOTS "Min. number of Slots" IDS_NO_NEW_SLOT_TIMER "Sec. until a new slot is opened" IDS_FULL_LOOPS "Full loops until set to Full slot in %" IDS_MONITOR_LOOPS "Seconds to monitor loops" IDS_NOT_REACHED_BW "Sec. until new slot opened if BW not reached" IDS_MOVE_DOWN_KB "KB to go gefore moving ending client down" // <== Mephisto Upload - Mephisto // ==> Multiple Part Transfer [Stulle] - Mephisto IDS_CHUNKS_GROUP "Chunk Transfer Modes" IDS_CHUNKS_NONE "Disable transfer full chunks" IDS_CHUNKS_XMAN "Xtreme Full Chunk Upload" IDS_CHUNKS_FINISH "Finish X Chunks" IDS_CHUNKS_TO_FINISH "Chunks before kick" IDS_CHUNKS_FULL "Upload X times a chunk size" IDS_CHUNKS_TO_UPLOAD "Multiplier for chunk size before kick" // <== Multiple Part Transfer [Stulle] - Mephisto IDS_MAX_UP_MINUTES "Max upload time in minutes" // Adjust max upload time [Stulle] - Mephisto